

Invoice Integration needs to be in place before setting up and testing actuals integration.

Integration Set-Up

Transfer of actuals (or physicals) from Accounting to Dataloy VMS can either be setup as a manual task through the Period-End-Closing Process or as a scheduled task. Actuals in accounting are actual costs and revenues, and once entered into Dataloy VMS, the actual record will appear in the Posted section of the Accruals module. Bunker transactions in Accounting that has been transferred from Dataloy VMS are not to be transferred, as they are already treated as actuals in Dataloy VMS (more information: actuals and accruals page and the Period-End-Closing process.

Data Transaction

To insert an actual in Dataloy VMS:

  • An actual record should ONLY ever have one document line. Never more.

  • The document date should be the first day of the period month.

  • Client can choose to insert actuals one by one or group actuals by period, currency, voyage, account and company

  • Set a unique document number (documentNo).

Use request:

Updated for API version 2.0.0 using the new required date format yyyy-dd-MMThh:mi:ss to conform ISO 8601, (prior versions has date format: yyyy-dd-MM hh:mi:ss).

Post an actual to Dataloy

POST /Document
    "documentAmount": 10000.00,
    "companyCurrencyAmount": 10000.00,
    "sourceCurrencyAmount": 10000.00,
    "documentDate": "2014-01-01T00:00:00",
    "documentType": "ACC",
    "documentNo": "111111187",
    "company": "01",
    "invoicingStatus": "POS",
    "documentCurrency": "USD",
    "documentText": "text here",
    "glAccount": "1000",
            "documentAmount": 10000.00,
            "companyCurrencyAmount": 10000.00,
            "sourceCurrencyAmount": 10000.00,
            "documentCurrency": "USD",
            "exchangeRate": 1,
            "invoicingStatus": "POS",
            "documentLineText": "text here",
            "voyage": "VOY100",
            "glAccount": "1000"

Post Transaction

No post transaction is required.

Last updated

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