Legacy version (6.26 - 6.28)

Dataloy Vessel Report System enables vessels to send vessel reports without proper internet connection. The server side of Dataloy VRS is exposed in the Dataloy API for inserting vessel reports into Dataloy VMS. When Dataloy VRS is in use, the client side of the Vessel Report API system can be ignored - the message sent by e-mail to the VRS is identical to what can be posted in the Vessel Report API (with minor adjustments). Inserting a vessel report into Dataloy VMS not only inserts a position report, but also the schedule, bunkers etc. There is also a functionality available for locating correct port call based on vessel code and report date.

Chapter Contents:

Vessel Report API Process

Base URL

The Vessel Report URL:

Custom Fields

Custom fields can be added

  • using Events (if there is an event code and date).

  • or added as a Remark (text field).

Events are added and retrieved from Master Data and can be used in a JSON message. Event fields in the JSON message is shortened:

  • ed = event date

  • ec = event code.

Remarks will be connected to the Position Report. To send remarks requires:

  • the set-up of a remark template in the database with a title and the extraction of the remark_id. Note: This construction is usually met with various various challenges with e-mail based vessel reporting (more information: contact Dataloy).

IMPORTANT: This type of construction causes various challenges with e-mail based vessel reporting (more information: contact contact Dataloy).


Alerts can be triggered either:

  • when reports are inserted to Dataloy VMS

  • or a report is failing.

IMPORTANT: Property Settings is handled in: Master Data > Dataloy Properties.


Noon report

Arrival report

In Port Report

Departure Report

Example Messages

Updated for API version 2.0.0 using the new required date format yyyy-dd-MMThh:mi:ss to conform ISO 8601, (prior version has date format: yyyy-dd-MM hh:mi:ss)





Consumption Breakdown

The following fields can be added for consumption breakdown

Weather Data

When inserting weather data, use the ID from the Weather Data table:


When inserting direction, use the ID from the Direction Table:

Reason For Call

Dataloy Vessel Code

Dataloy Vessel Codes can be found by using the Vessel Code Resource.

Dataloy Port ID

Dataloy Port ID's can be found be using the Port Resource.

Last updated