Release 6.29 - 6.46

This page explains how to create vessel report integration with Dataloy API.

Have you considered using the vessel reporting functionality in our new web client? Get in touch for more information.

Chapter Contents:

The vessel report endpoint is called PositionReport and can be accessed with Base URL + ws/rest/PositionReport

Port Call

A vessel report needs to be connected to a port call. Dataloy recommends to present a list of port calls to the user to make them select the correct one when reporting. To get a list of port calls, the following API call can be used

// Some code
GET ws/rest/PortCall?filter=voyage.vessel.imoNumber(EQ)999&filter=departureFixed(EQ)false&filter=voyage.voyageHeader.voyageStatus.statusTypeCode(IN)(NOM,OPR)&filter=voyage.voyageHeader.isBudget(EQ)false&filter=voyage.voyageHeader.isTemplate(EQ)false&filter=voyage.voyageHeader.isEstimate(EQ)false&filter=voyage.voyageHeader.isUnallocated(EQ)false&filter=voyage.scenarios.scenarioCode(EQ)MASTER&filter=reasonForCall.reasonForCall(NE)DEL&filter=reasonForCall.reasonForCall(NE)RED&sort=portCallSequence(AS) 

HTTP headerfields: {"voyage":{"key":"*"},"reasonForCall":{"reasonForCall":"*", "reasonForCallDesc":"*"}, "portCallSequence":"*", "port":{"portName":"*"},"eventLogs":{"eventLogDate":"*","event":{"eventCode":"*"}}}

Remarks will be connected to the Position Report. To send remarks requires:

  • the set-up of a remark template in the database with a title and the extraction of the remark_id. Note: This construction is usually met with various various challenges with e-mail based vessel reporting (more information: contact Dataloy).

IMPORTANT: This type of construction causes various challenges with e-mail based vessel reporting (more information: contact contact Dataloy).

Noon report

Noon reports at sea should be connected to the next port call

Arrival report

In Port Report

Departure Report


Fields that would be fixed will only fixed for voyages that are not estimated, allocated or scheduled

Example Messages

Updated for API version 2.0.0 using the new required date format yyyy-dd-MMThh:mi:ss to conform ISO 8601, (prior version has date format: yyyy-dd-MM hh:mi:ss)





Weather Data

When inserting weather data, use the ID from the Weather Data table:


When inserting direction, use the ID from the Direction Table:

Reason For Call

Adding port calls

For long TC out voyages you might want to make it possible to add port calls from your vessel client. This section will explain how to do that.

To insert a port call the following API call can be used

Field explanation: Port

A port key. Get a list of all ports with the below API call. We have over 10,000 ports. Please keep the number of requests to this endpoint as low as possible with caching. We do add new ports so if the vessel needs a newly added port it must be possible to update the cache, this will not happen often.

Reason for call Any of the codes from the reason for call list above Port Call Sequence Should be port call sequence from last port call + 1. The port call sequence is returned in this API call to get port calls Voyage A voyage key. The voyage key is returned in this API call to get port calls. Event Logs There needs to be one eventLog for ARR (arrival), BRT (berthing), DEP (departure). Set the dates to todays date, they will then be calculated by the server. After inserting the port call, get the list of port calls again to get the ETA, ETB and ETD calculated by the server.

Last updated