Exchange Rates
An exchange rate source for extracting data to be inserted in Dataloy VMS.
Base Currency must be set. Note: Locate Base Currency by getting ws/rest/System/1000000, then following relevant country link (Country Currency = the Base Currency).
Integration Set-Up
Set up a task for extracting exchange rates from either an accounting system or from a source delivering exchange rates service. Then insert the exchange rate into Dataloy VMS using the request under Data Transaction (below).
Data Transaction
To insert an exchange rate in Dataloy VMS (fields required):
Updated for API version 2.0.0 using the new required date format yyyy-dd-MMThh:mi:ss to conform ISO 8601, (prior versions has date format: yyyy-dd-MM hh:mi:ss)
Post an exchange rate to Dataloy
Post Transaction
No post transaction is required.
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