
Dataloy REST API uses a generic search/filtering functionality. In general, all resources supports filtering on all properties of that resource and linked resources (for exceptions, see Limitations).


The filter query parameter has the following format:

<Base URL>/<Resource>?filter=<json property>(OPERATOR)<value>

Example that will return currency information for USD:


Syntax Breakdown <Base URL>

For more information see Getting Started with Dataloy REST API


Can be any of the Resources available in the Dataloy API.

<json property>

Can be any json property of the resource (for exceptions, see Limitations).


The operator is always:

  • surrounded by parenthesis

  • is always upper case

List of Operators

API Version


Equals Exact Value, case sensitive

Get a Document with document number 2707374: Document?filter=documentNo(EQ)2707374


Not Equal

Get all Documents not in company 1000: Document?filter=company.companyCode(NE)1000


Greater Than

ONLY numeric and date values

Get all Voyages modified since 2014-01-01 00:00:00, not including 2014-01-01 00:00:00: Voyage?filter=modifiedDate(GT)2014-01-01T00:00:00


Greater Than or Equal

ONLY numeric and date values

Get all Voyages modified since 2014-01-01 00:00:00, including 2014-01-01 00:00:00: Voyage?filter=modifiedDate(GTE)2014-01-01T00:00:00


Lesser Than

ONLY numeric and date values

Get all Documents that has document amount less than 100000: Document?filter=documentAmount(LT)100000


Lesser Than or Equal

ONLY numeric and date values

Get all Documents that has document amount less than 100000, including 100000: Document?filter=documentAmount(LT)100000


Equals One of the Elements in a Given List

Get all Documents that are ready for posting and has status type INI, INO, CRI or CRO: Document?filter=invoicingStatus.statusTypeCode(EQ)RFP&filter=invoicingStatus.statusTypeCode(IN)(INI,INO,CRI,CRO)


Filter for NULL values


Get all Documents without business partner: Document?filter=businessPartner(NULL)


Filter for NOT NULL values


Get all Voyages with vessel: Voyage?filter=vessel(NOTNULL)


Like operator


Get all BunkerOrder with externalReferenceNo containing the string "test" case sensitive: BunkerOrder?filter=externalReferenceNo(LK)test


Like ignore case operator


Get all BunkerOrder with externalReferenceNo containing the string "test" case insensitive: BunkerOrder?filter=externalReferenceNo(LKIC)test


Not like


Get all BunkerOrder with externalReferenceNo not containing the string "test" case sensitive: BunkerOrder?filter=externalReferenceNo(NLK)test


Not like ignore case


Get all BunkerOrder with externalReferenceNo not containing the string "test" case insensitive: BunkerOrder?filter=externalReferenceNo(NLK)test


  • Numeric Values are straight forward. Can be integers or decimal numbers using a dot as decimal point.

  • Dates must be specified in the format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss

  • Strings can be surrounded by double quotes, but it is generally not necessary. Even if the string has spaces.

  • Boolean must be specified with 0 for false and 1 for true.

Combining Filters

The filter URL parameter can be added multiple times to filter on multiple properties in one request. To do so, add a new filter parameter to the end of the URL

Syntax for Combining Filters

<Base URL>/<Resource>?filter=<json property>(OPERATOR)<value>&filter=<json property 2>(OPERATOR)<value>


<Base URL>/Document?filter=invoicingStatus.statusTypeCode(EQ)RFP&filter=invoicingStatus.statusTypeCode(IN)(INI,INO,CRI,CRO) Invoices ready to be transferred to accounting will be returned.

Properties for Sub Objects

Filters can be used for sub objects by using a "dot path". Example of a sub object is commodity on Cargo:

Part of the Cargo resource as an example:
    "cargoReference": 12345,
    "freight": 20000,
    "commodity": {
            "commodityName": "Steel",
            "commodityCode": "10000",
            "key": 1069734,
            "self": "http://localhost:8080/ws/rest/Commodity/1069734"

To search for cargoes with commodity steel:

<Base URL>/Cargo?filter=commodity.commodityCode(EQ)10000


The following properties are currently not possible for filtering:

  • self

  • remarks

A few other properties are unsupported, these are documented for each resource.



Get Cargo with freight more than 1000000 and freightCurrency USD or EUR:



Get Documents with documentType "INV" and invoicingStatus "PEN"



Get Voyages for the vessel with vessel code ABRA


Get Voyage with reference number VES100


Get Voyage with start date > 01.01.2016 and operator is user with userCode "BAK"


Get Voyages that are operational for vessel ABRA


Get all Voyages that has Oslo as Load Port in 2015


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